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Bond Bugs
Best 3 x 3 By Far
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The club most Bond Bug owners belong to New members with or without a Bug are most welcome to join!
    Join the Bug Club click here
Advantages of joining the Bug Club?

You make new friends

You get the award winning bi-monthly magazine

You learn more about a Bug than the internet can throw at you

By attending their rallies you get to see places you would never have dreamed of going to

Members are always prepared to help you if they can and if they cant they will point you towards someone who can

You dont have to own a Bug to be a member

You get access to areas of this site that non members will never see

Dis-Advantages of joining the Bug Club?

You have to open the envelope to get the magazine out

You have to put up with Les's jokes
mind you some are good see sample

Other than that I cant think of any!

Please note that joining the Bug Club and registering on this site are two different things
Yet both are possible here!

The Bug Club magazine
full of information, parts, stories and photo's

Write an article for the
Bug Club magazine
click here

If a non members article is published, a copy of the magazine that it appears in, will be forwarded as a thank you and keep sake.

Articles written here will only be viewable to confirmed Bug Club members, the person who composed it and only after the magazine has been issued.

Bug pic of the moment
RLM 774L

Why I joined the Bug Club?

Initially it was to get ...

I remember them from the 70's!

Thought to myself what the ...

Took my Bug to a show

It was a huge hit with everyone ...

Just a few ideas for stories there, so come on share your memories, we would love to hear them!

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